Watershed Health Depends On A Managed Forest
An overcrowded forest constricts waterways and disallows vital tributaries to flow naturally to their destination. By strategically thinning these areas, we can ensure downstream demands are met.

Forested watersheds improve water quality, enhance water storage, regulate stream flows, replenish groundwater and provide many other benefits. Trees play a vital role within the forest water cycle, helping to regulate streamflow by slowing runoff and promoting infiltration. Neiman is dedicated to improving watersheds, using management strategies that encourage healthy forests and ensure that trees can continue to perform these critical functions.
Regulated Water Flow

Regulated Streams and Stormwater
Trees play a vital role in regulating streams and stormwater by intercepting and storing rainwater through their canopy and roots. The trees and other vegetation in the forest act as a natural sponge, absorbing and retaining the water until it can be slowly released back through transpiration and evaporation. A healthy forest regulates stormwater by intercepting rainfall, allowing the water to slowly filter through the canopy and into the ground rather than quickly running off into streams and rivers.

Sediment Management
When it rains, trees intercept and slow the flow of rainwater, reducing the erosion of soil and sedimentation in streams and rivers. Additionally, leaves and branches on the forest floor can trap sediment, helping to clean the water as it flows into rivers and streams, and roots help to anchor soil in place, reducing the risk of landslides and erosion during heavy rain events.